Converting Your Dvd Player to Region Free

When hunting for your region free clarification online the best rule (as with most things) is not to part with your hard earned money. In this narrative the webmaster of Dvd-Unlock briefly looks over the options available.

Region Free clarification 1 - Remote operate / Key Sequence

Converting Your Dvd Player to Region Free

Many low to mid-range Dvd players have inexpressive menus or "back doors", these methods can let you change things such as:

- The current region setting on your single model (In most cases this is were the Region Free setting can be set)

- Switch in the middle of Pal and Ntsc

- Modify the Macrovision setting

- Enable Vcd and sometimes Mp3 playback

Access to these inexpressive menus usually requires the user to enter a sequence via the remote control, codes for single players can be found all over the net on both free or a "paid for" basis.

Personally I would avoid subscription, one off payment or "required donation" sites because they will usually include the same data that the free sites have.

Region Free clarification 2 - Upgrading or downgrading your players firmware

This formula involves changing the software installed on your model and usually involves downloading the modernize from the Internet. Once the download is perfect the modernize can be burned to a disk, (quite often in a inescapable way depending on your Dvd model) the disk is then settled in the Dvd player.

This formula is one of those things that if it works, it works great. If it fails on the other hand you could be looking at a dead player.

Region Free clarification 3 - Chipped Remotes

This is a formula I have never performed, but have been made very aware of.

Many sites now are offing chipped remote operate units, these units are supposed to be pre-programmed to unlock your single player usually by the touch of a button. On the face of it this seems like a great clarification for Dvd players that would not usually be unlocked. In reality the cost of these remotes can cost colse to the same price as a brand new region free Dvd player. I have also been made aware of numerous sites which basically take your money and don't deliver, have poor buyer support, don't rejoinder emails, etc.

Now I am sure there are lots of reputable chipped remote dealers out there on the net, I just don't know of whatever who's found one; to be honest I could not explain the cost anyway.

Region Free clarification 4 - purchase a Region Free Player

If you cannot find a free unlock code for your player I seriously think the best choice would be to purchase a cheap region free player, you can usually pick them up locally plus take them back if you get any problems.

Tim Day

Converting Your Dvd Player to Region Free


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