Castle Age Guide and Tips

Castle Age is a time-based massively-multiplayer online (Mmo) game hosted on Facebook. You get to quest in a lore-rich world, team up with friends to fight monsters such as dragons and hydra, and even invade and duel thousands of other Castle Age players! The following is a guide and tips on the varied Castle Age stats and the many actions that you can take in the game.

Castle Age Guide and Tips

Player Stats

In Castle Age, you are able to unblemished quests, battle other players and fight dangerous monsters. Which stat you focus on will resolve how good you are in each of those areas. Everytime you gain a level and unblemished quests, you will be given points that you can allocate to whichever stat you choose.

* attack - This determines how efficient you are at fighting other players and dealing damage to monsters. Focus on this stat if you are curious in player-vs-player (Pvp) activity or monster-slaying.

* Defense - High defense makes you more efficient at defeating other players who attack you, and also causes monsters to deal less damage to you. Commonly beneficial to prevent losing condition and gold all the time when other players attack you.

* energy - Doing quests requires energy, with the more advanced quests requiring more energy. Focus on this stat if you want to do more quests, thus earning caress and gaining gold and levels faster. energy regenerates at a rate of 1 every 5 minutes.

* condition - This determines how much of a beating you can take. You will take damage each time you fight other players and monsters. High condition will allow you to take more damage before you become too weak to fight. However, medical to full condition is pretty cheap, so this stat is not too important. condition regenerates at a rate of 1 every 3 minutes.

* stamina - It costs 2 points to increase your stamina by 1. Each stamina point allows you to fight someone else player or attack a monster, hence a high stamina means you can fight more. Fighting is also a good source of caress points, and killing monsters gives you the occasion of collecting marvelous items. Hence stamina is a fairly important stat to focus on. stamina regenerates at a rate of 1 every 5 minutes.


One way of looking the world of Castle Age is by questing. You are able to contemplate the world from the bottom level Land of Fire through to more treacherous areas. As you progress, the quests become more difficult to do and have more requirements you need to meet before you can exertion them. Each quest requires a determined number of energy, and ordinarily have other requirements you have to meet before you are allowed to exertion it, such as a specific hero you need to hire as well as specific combinations of units and equipment. In addition, each "Land" or level of quests has an "end boss" quest that rewards you with marvelous heroes, equipment and magic when you unblemished it.

It is a good idea to plan ahead and look at the requirements of a consolidate of quests beyond the one you are currently attempting. If you know what heroes and which units are required, you will be able to save up sufficient gold to buy them when you've completed your current quest, therefore not wasting any time between quests. In addition, some quests have very high energy requirements. Knowing how much energy you need in the immediate time to come will also help you plan your stat budget accordingly.


Battling involves fighting with other Castle Age players, whether it is via a full-scale invasion or a duel between your top generals. You earn battle points each time you defeat an opponent. The more battle points you earn, the higher your battle rank; and determined ranks allow you to hire or summon marvelous units, items and spells.

Do note though that you gain more battle points defeating opponents with a higher level and rank than you. There is also a battling restriction while you are lower than level 80. You will only be able to battle other players in the same 10-level bracket as you. After level 80, it's a free-for-all and every person is fair game.

Invading someone else player involves huge armies battling each other. Therefore it is the option of option for players with lots of friends playing the game and hence a larger army. Each army member will use one of your items and spells to face the other player's army. If your army is big enough, your generals will also join in the fight.

Dueling involves sending your best general against the other player's general. These generals will be equipped with the very best items and magic in your arsenal. As such, this is the option for players that do not have that many friends playing the game.

Whether you are invading or dueling, your attack stat is simply important if you are the attacker, and the defense stat is crucial if you want to win fights that other players start. In addition, stamina is important if you want to start a lot of fights.


Fighting monsters is the third style of play in Castle Age also questing and battling other players. These monsters are summoned by players once they meet determined requirements. Bosses such as Gildamesh the Orc King and Sylvanas the Sorceress Queen become accessible once you unblemished the majority of quests in their respective regions. Other monsters such as dragons and hydra can be summoned once you have collected all the prerequisite alchemical ingredients.

Some of the lower level monsters can be fought on your own. However, the majority of them will require teamwork as you recruit other players to fight with you. Monsters such as the region bosses and dragons can be fought by the summoner and other players in their army. The World Hydra works a bit differently, and can be attacked by any Castle Age player who happens to stumble upon them.

These monsters have a set time limit in which they have to be killed, otherwise they will flee. If you carry on to kill a monster, you will have the occasion of collecting rare items, units and magic from it.


Heroes or generals are the backbone of your army. Each quest will require a specific hero to lead your army in order to unblemished it. In addition, your heroes will lead your army in battles with other players, or be your representative in duels. They will also be the ones fighting the monsters. (It's a tough life being a hero!)

There are varied heroes with varying degrees of power in attack and defense. The more common ones can be hired in town, but the most marvelous ones (including demons and demi-gods) can only be accessed via the Oracle with favor points, which we will discuss later on.

Units, Items and Magic

When you're in town, you can spend gold to hire units and buy equipment to put in order for battle. Each quest that you unblemished will have a determined number and type of units that you are required to have. Only when you have hired those units will you be able to exertion the quest.

Units and equipment are crucial when you are fighting. When invading other players, the more marvelous units you have, the more occasion you have at successfully defeating the other player. In addition, when you are dueling someone else player or fighting a monster, your best equipment in each "body slot" will furnish damage bonuses for you and keep you from taking damage.


Although Castle Age is all about questing, fighting monsters and battling other players, the bit that is most crucial to your success is your economic machine. You will need lots of gold to hire heroes and units and equip them with good items and magic. In addition, the more marvelous of these units and equipment have an upkeep, costing you gold every hour.

Doing quests, attacking other players and fighting monsters all furnish you with some gold, but you will need to spend that hard-earned cash into land that will generate hourly revenue for you. Do note that the more of each land type you buy, the more expensive it becomes. It pays to check the return on investment for each land type at all times to resolve which piece of land is of the most value.


Demi-Powers are deities or gods that can aid you in your struggles. There are 5 demi-powers, each of whom has a unique role and can furnish you with marvelous benefits when you ask for their blessings. For example, Malekus is the demi-power of war, and you will gain 1 attack point each time you pray to him. In increasing to these stat boosts, praying to the demi-powers will also unlock exclusive quests and furnish you with marvelous items and magic.


This is where the most marvelous heroes and items can be obtained. Every month, there will be an exclusive hero and their connected equipment that can be bought using favor points. In addition, there are "treasure chests" available where you can spend favor points and gamble on what you will receive. It could be a common piece of armor, or it could be the most marvelous general in the game.

These favor points can be a bit difficult to come by. You start the game with a few favor points, and you have a occasion of earning them each time you kill a monster. You can also earn favor points each time you unblemished offers and retort to paid advertising in the Oracle section of the game. someone else option is that you can buy the favor points outright using cash.

Castle Age Guide and Tips


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