Smart Tvs

Smart Tvs offer the web browsing and application capabilities of a Smartphone with the spectacular display of a Hd television. Currently internet enabled television sales are growing fast. These new televisions are pushing the boundaries of accepted pay-per-view Tv and enabling far greater consumption of online video content. Many original television and cable networks are scrambling to meet demand for Iptv (Internet Protocol Television) and online pay-per-view content.

Smart Tvs

We have seen apps such as Angry Birds and Spotify nothing else but blow up in popularity over mobile devices and the same potential is there for Smart Tvs. Ip-delivered services will become hugely favorite via Smart televisions. Ordering shopping, pizzas and paying utility bills using your television will become coarse place within the next 5 to 10 years.

Families will use Tv apps for cooking, gaming, music and whatever else they find interesting. Even businesses over the world will use television apps to work together in a range of ways. Cloud based services for businesses which are accessible from a television could be very useful for global business, the potential is enormous.


New Smart Tvs

Panasonic has launched a range of Smart Tvs called "Smart Viera", which focus on consumers being able to recapitulate best using services such as Skype. These new televisions will also offer Facebook access, various apps and Games. The new models will come in 2D and 3D. One of the first apps to be released includes a fitness Game which comes with Body Media Fit accessory. The accessory acts as a health and food monitor which can be synced with an online catalogue specific to your needs and to help you along as you go.

Samsung have also launched their own versions which allow entrance to Facebook, Twitter and full web browsing along with 2D and 3D viewing capability. The new Samsung range incorporates what it calls a "Smart Hub" interface to nothing else but navigate and use communal networks and other customary portals. The electronics maker has also designed an easy to use touch screen remote for surfing the net, watching Tv and playing games. The "Smart Hub" interface enables viewers to find and download music and movie content. Samsung's marketing manager, Corrie Labuschagne said "Samsung expect to sell 12 million Smart Tvs in 2011 alone".

The next generation Tvs offer benefits to parents because they allow for tighter parental controls to protect children against unsuitable content. Using a wireless router you can set parental controls to restrict entrance to communal networks, adult, illegal article and video sharing sites. You can even only allow entrance to sites such as Facebook while a clear time of the day and turn entrance controls from everywhere with an internet connection.

Smart Tvs are the next big thing in home entertainment they allow for all the same engagement and interaction as a laptop or home computer on a much bigger screen with best photo quality. The adoption of this new technology will nothing else but mean families and friends will benefit from new entertainment experiences in the comfort of their own homes.

Smart Tvs

Thanks To : Bluetooth Headset QWERTY Keyboard Phones


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