Refresh Rate Explained - 100Hz, 200Hz and 600Hz Compared

Refresh Rate Explained

Refresh Rate Explained - 100Hz, 200Hz and 600Hz Compared

Trying to choose a Tv today can be difficult. Very difficult. One of the most widely debated features of flat panel Tvs is the ever confusing Refresh Rate. There are quite a estimate of distinct refresh rates being featured on today's Digital Camera pans across very fast. So the way the Tv fixes this issue is to originate intermediate frames and then insert them between the primary frames. This is referred to as interpolation, or 100Hz Technology.

"100Hz technology doubles the estimate of frames shown per second which helps to cut the obscuring and is ideal for watching activity movies and sports."


To some people, the 100Hz motion can seem to be a bit "too" smooth initially, but once you aDJust, it can be very difficult to return to a 50Hz Tv, especially on a large screen. Today, larger and larger Tvs have become very accessible in terms of price. Now because the photograph is bigger, you will observation things like judder even more.

The majority of these large Flat Screen Tvs (if not all) are 1080P Full Hd. That means that there is a lot of facts being displayed on the screen, and all of that facts needs to be moved colse to very fast for it to look smooth. On a large Flat Screen Tv running at 1080P and 50Hz, fast panning shots can show a lot of judder, because there is just so much image facts being shifted colse to the screen, our eyes will pick up a lot of motion artefacts. So essentially, by doubling the estimate of frames, 100Hz removes the majority of motion judder.

So if 100Hz gets rid of judder, why do I need 200Hz?

Interpolation at 100Hz is good, but again, with a lot of Full Hd, high resolution article like Blu-Ray, Gaming and more recently 3D Technology, now available to every home, and 46" - 65" Led screens surging in popularity due to plummeting prices - there's more advantage to be had from your Tv doubling its refresh efforts. While 100Hz will assuredly take off a lot of motion judder from Led Tvs and Lcd Tvs, the bigger the screen, the more apparent the remaining artefacts and judder become. So 200Hz was born...

By inserting 3 additional frames between each existing frame, instead of one as 100hZ does, 200Hz processors heighten motion smoothness additional and result in manufacture objects look more "solid". The aim of 200Hz is to keep objects such as Soccer Balls, or any small objects involving very fast across the screen, from losing their shape, obscuring or breaking up when being propelled across the screen. However, it's not as straightforward as just adding an extra three frames - that's not quite the extent of the technology. A processor inside the Tv looks at two sequential frames and then assuredly creates three New additional frames in between them.

Going back to our stick outline analogy, that means drawing four times as many stick figures by using four times as many pages, and flicking straight through those pages at the same speed. This fact, however, is where some 200Hz Tvs result - or fail miserably!

Imagine you've drawn a stick outline on fifty pages, and can flick straight through those fifty pages in one second, without missing a page, and at a constant speed. Now duplicate those pages, and you will find it harder to flick straight through the whole hundred pages without missing a few - let alone the same speed throughout. So your stick outline may seem to move smoothly, then judder, then smoothly again. Now, imagine trying to do that with two hundred pages. It's a struggle, and you are sure to miss a estimate of pages along the way. To put it one way - some citizen will do a better job than others.

This also rings very true for Tvs. There are some processors out there which do a much better job than others do. There are some 200Hz processors which don't quite cut the mustard, and you can see odd frames skipping, lots of inaccurate and seemingly unnatural movement. So beware - not all 200Hz processors are created equal!

A lot of Plasma screens seem to feature 600Hz - they must be at least three times faster, right?

Well in short - not exactly! What 600Hz Sub-Field Driving does, with a 50Hz source like how our Australian Tv is broadcast, is split each frame into 12 cut off frames or "sub-fields", and then show them individually on the screen. What it does not do is originate New frames. That means 12 sub-fields per frame in 50Hz (frames per second) creates 600 frames per second (50x12=600). The more sub-fields you have per frame, the more precise the colour gravidity and less photograph noise.

So technically, 600Hz sub-field drive is not solely associated to, nor is its primary purpose, eliminating motion judder.

Why are the manufacturers causing all this confusion?

Because Plasma vs. Lcd technology is still the biggest deliberate upon when it comes to choosing a Flat Screen Tv. The discrepancy in technology is causing manufacturers like Panasonic, Samsung, Lg and Sony to heavily promote features and benefits of their panels to attract customers.

As far as Lcd, and now Led Digital Tv Panels have advanced - the fact of the matter is that for smooth, natural motion in fast scenes - a Plasma is still superior.

With the way Plasma technology works, 100Hz or 200Hz isn't a useful feature to have. But with Lcd and Led heavily marketing 100Hz/200Hz, from a marketing perspective they needed a estimate to combat that. Some added 100Hz before, but now 200Hz Led and Lcd have become more common, so they've started quoting the sub-field estimate - 600Hz.

The same thing happened with 1080p and 'Full Hd'. Lcd manufacturers introduced terms on their Tvs - purely from a marketing perspective - to try and deflect attentiveness from the fact that a good Plasma Tv produced a more "natural" picture.

In reality, the plasma manufacturers are being slightly misleading in how they store 600Hz sub field driving. In one way they are saying to customers that our 600Hz is a feature that helps take off motion judder three times as much as a 200Hz Tv.

While this is not directly true - they are using it to promote a very true feature of plasma technology - first-rate motion handling. There is a exiguous bit of "the pot calling the kettle black" when it comes to the Lcd manufacturers though. While it is true that 200Hz was designed to aid motion on a large screen Tv - the fact that the resulting image can often seem unnatural while fast scenes puts a big ask mark over either this aids or hinders what the buyer is seeing. The insertion of frames that are not meant to be there can make it all look a exiguous fake, in many people's opinion. If you do encounter that, it's best to disable it for that singular movie.

So, what is best? 100Hz, 200Hz or 600Hz?

In summary, for fast paced natural movement, Plasma screens are still superior. They do not need to originate extra frames to eliminate motion judder, so the resulting image seen is not fake or unnatural. There are pros and cons for both Plasma and Lcd technology, and notion will always be divided one way or another, but if you prefer a smooth, natural photograph - even though Lcd and Led technology has improved immensely - a Plasma screen is still the way to go.

Refresh Rate Explained - 100Hz, 200Hz and 600Hz Compared

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